Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ship Burning 101: What's Your Excuse?

From Facebook: "REVELATION FITNESS WEEK ONE PHOTO. 5:30 AM on Monday morning, still feeling the effects of the Oxycodone. Unbelievably, Melissa was the one who pushed the issue this morning. Feeling not real good about posting this, and I apologize to all my Facebook friends for it. Not appropriate -- Sorry. Got to stay accountable. FML."


Meet Kareem.

Kareem is a lawyer here in Austin.

He is a public figure.

The other day I was explaining ship-burning to a prospective client. I mentioned what "my client Kareem (no last name)" was doing.

"Kareem?!" She said. "I know him! He's my real estate lawyer!"

Kareem's reputation is based on how people PERCEIVE him. He could EASILY say to me, "Can't burn my ships - it would be demeaning."


And you know what that lady said to me on the phone? She said she respected Kareem MORE for doing this publicly. She said that's what she admired about Kareem: he was a genuine leader, willing to take calculated risks to get his clients results.

Allot of times I have clients say to me, "this is going to be hard," and when I suggest they burn their ships they say, "Oh no I can't do that what will my friends think?"

Not Kareem. Kareem is a 1%-er.

When I explained ship-burning to him, Kareem gritted his teeth. The fire behind his eyes said to me, "Show me the path and I'll leave everyone else in my dust."

For Kareem, the LONG-TERM GOOD is well worth any perceived SHORT-TERM SACRIFICE.

And it appears that behind closed doors, Kareem's friends respect him MORE - dare I say envy? - for his willingness to make REAL CHANGE.

In that, Kareem is a cultural trail-blazer.

This is not new. Moses did this. And he was able to part seas.

In an environment in which clients drop their voice and say to me, "I'm overweight."

In which Revelation Fitness spends allot of our profit (that I'd much rather put into the Revelation Foundation doing our "Extreme Body Makeovers" for people who can't afford to train with us) on contracts with clients PROMISING that NO ONE will find out that they worked with us to "PROTECT" their "IMAGE."

("Don't worry! Pharoah will never know that you DON'T LIKE numbing your mind, body and soul with basketball and beer! He'll think you crossed the River Jordan and LOOK like one of the Chosen with his cultural norms! I promise NOT TO TELL ANYONE that you are an Israelite!)

So I guess my question is: will you put yourself out there and become a 1%-er?

If Kareem can, what's your excuse?

Oh and ps Kareem started his 16 Week Challenge the day of a surgery on his leg (we put 4 Weeks of diet on the front end since he can't workout). And he's down 10 lbs at the end of Week 1 (about 2 weeks post-consultation when he actually started his diet).

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