4 Weeks later she was 125 lbs, 19% bodyfat.
Then she almost lost her life.
Two weeks after her recovery, when most people would still be mourning the losses she incurred in the incident, she decided to get back on it.
This week she struts into her 'After' shoot at a lithe 118 lbs, 10% bodyfat, and a petite size 2.
Here she speaks about what really matters - and the real reason for Revelation.
"Hey Guys!!
I am celebrating today for an abundance of reasons because I am 12 weeks out from my blood clot. I enclosed a picture taken of me May 3rd the day my life changed forever and today I can say that I am truly stronger and healthier than I ever have been.
I love being 118 and a size 2 but it's not so much about the weight and size like it was in the beginning.
It's that I feel amazing and I GET to wake up in the morning and rock it in the gym.
I don't have to but I want to.
No one in the hospital would tell me why I was hooked up to so many machines but I had a very large clot in my heart and I am so very lucky because a person in average health would have died. I am truly blessed.
Thanks for all your help and believing that I would come back strong.
It's a great day for celebration!!!"
Revelation Remake #202 132 to 118lbs,
24.5% to 10% bodyfat,
size 10/12 to size 2.
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