Not 100% consistency and perfection in workouts.
Not genetics.
Not favoring boiled chicken breasts over well-prepared, yummy (but clean) meals.
It's the person who, when I meet them, is determined.
And who, after I tell them what's possible, allows their eyes to light up like a child on Christmas.
Did You Know? The RevFit Program was originally written at the University of Chicago by and for a 220+ lb, size 20-wearing girl who was trapped and needed a way out.
Are the ones who have been knocked down countless times by diets that don't work... and let it get to them.... (they forget the RevFit Program was written FOR and BY them...)
The ones who believe they're somehow the single exception to the rule... and the RevFit Program won't work for them...
Who forget that this program was originally written for the HARDEST client...
...the one for whom NOTHING ELSE worked...
...Coach Mariah.
It just so happens that the same psychological and physiological principles that work for difficult clients... equally well for easy clients... Coach Jim.
But when I hear that RevFit is a 'Program out of the nation's fittest city of Austin, TX' that 'makes fit people fitter'...
I laugh out loud.
While that statement is technically true...
And while the RevFit Program does make the Coach Jim's of the world fitter by default...
It was originally written at the University of Chicago...
...A school for academics and inventive thinkers... Rhodes and Marshall Scholars... NOT jocks... where the expression on physical activity is: "Whenever I get the urge to exercise I lay down until it goes away."
The RevFit Program was originally written at the University of Chicago by and for a 220+ lb, size 20-wearing girl who was trapped and needed a way out.
It it a confluence of a roadmap out of the desert and into the Promise Land...
...that draws on the best of strategy and religious teachings...
...and the raw, hard data and information to get you to your goal.
To the fat & out-of-shape who think our Program is not for you...
Yes, it has branched out... producing and attracting the fit & fabulous and launching its Elite and ProFormance divisions in Winter 2011...
...But that's because eventually YOUR concern won't be, 'I'm fat'....
It will be, "what next?!"
Like a child on Christmas.
So don't tell me RevFit won't work for you, or that it's only for the 'Coach Jim's' of the world.
Because it worked - and continues to work season after season, year after year, better and better through the different seasons of my own life - for me.
I LOVE this philosophy. It CAN, and WILL work for YOU - whomever YOU are reading this!