Saturday, January 15, 2011

Reveal #430: 167 to 137lbs, 21% to 8.7% bodyfat, 27 inches, 12 Weeks

Reveal #430 - 163 to 137 lbs, 21% to 8.7% bodyfat, and lost 27 inches total - in 12 Weeks. Her original goal? Lose the baby weight. Her result? Gorgeous abs. Go Big or Go Home!

Click here to see more outtakes from today's shoot

THIS is what it's all about. Fun, free and gorgeous. Kudos goes out to Coaches Sarah and Stephanie - the symmetry and balance between Reveal #430's chest, shoulders and abs - and likewise between her legs and glutes - is absolutely exquisite. The result is stunning and textbook - but it required perfection in Goal Setting first, then absolutely dymanism in nutrition, and finally perfectly rendered and executed sessions. This Reveal is the mark of a true MasterTrainer. Congratulations to both Michaelangelo's and their David: it does RevelationFitness great honor to call you part of our family.

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