Transformation #700, a family of 4, lost over 90 total lbs and gained over 20 total lbs of muscle in just 12 Weeks!
Mom: At 56, is back to her 20 year-old weight (but much more fit & toned)!
Dad: lost 48 lbs in 12 Weeks!
Son: Gained 6 lbs of muscle and learned what nutrition he needed to fuel ongoing muscle gains!
Daughter: Got fit, toned and more limber to more fully enjoy her college experience (also happens to be a brilliant gal who skipped a year of college and who moonlights as a unicyclist/juggler!)
Here is there story....
"Dear Mariah,
I certainly proclaim loudly to anyone who will listen what a great program you have and what great things it has done for me and my family. As others have said, it's the best investment I have ever made.
For me… it was cheaper than liposuction and of course I am much healthier than I would have been with that approach.
For my husband… it was much cheaper than treating the Type II Diabetes or heart attack he was headed towards down the road he was traveling.
In short, this program was actually quite economical compared to the alternatives!
Now here's what was my motivation and the back story to why I wanted to do the program.
My mom died in 1977 at age 56 from cancer. All my younger life I had been told how much I looked like her and acted like her. She was a beautiful woman in her youth, but smoked, drank, and did not exercise. When she died so young I vowed to live my life differently so that I would live to see my children grow up, get married, and have kids. And I kept that promise to myself. Thirty-five years ago I became vegetarian, I gave up alcohol and lived as clean a life as I could imagine--all except one thing. Throughout my heavy scholastic schedule, medical school, residency and practice as a physician I let the exercise piece go.
In 2010, I turned 56. Soon I would pass the exact age at which my mom died. As the year wore on, my stomach started to ache (like hers did before she was diagnosed with stomach cancer). I began to feel tired all the time. My stomach swelled. My sleep deteriorated. I knew it was probably just a psychological reaction to my identification with her, but I was very distressed. Then in the fall, I chanced upon a Revelation Fitness Ad in Austin Magazine. Normally I pay no attention to such things, but your ad jumped out at me. It was a sign to do something more. And yet I still could not act.
On January 1, 2011 I had outlived my mother by exactly one day. I felt exhilarated somehow to start the new year as a truly NEW year. I had made it past the magic mark. I was not going to suffer the same fate. Something nagged at me however. My body was saying just surviving is not good enough. It is time to be all that you really can be and to let go of the past. I started throwing things out, I plunged into whole new projects in my personal life that required me to take more risks and chances. And I finally got up the nerve to call Revelation Fitness and give my body what it needed to go the next 56 years.
And here I am, at the end of my (first!) program. My weight is back to where it was in my 20's and 30's but with one big difference. I am now so much more fit, toned, and strong! I look better in that teensy bikini than I ever did in my 20's! I don't look or feel the 57 I will be on my birthday in a week. I am so happy I saw that ad and I am so happy I called you. Thank you to Mariah and the whole Revelation Fitness team for everything!
Warmest regards,
To see the family's 'after' shoot in full, click here. While you're there 'Like' the Revelation Fitness Facebook page where each week we post 2 - 3 SHOCKING Before & Afters along with INSPIRING stories of transformation. (Don't have a Facebook account? You'll want to sign up for one to get the daily motivation from RevFit!)
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