Thursday, June 14, 2012

Guest Blog: Exercise Increases Survival Rates for Cancer Patients

By David Haas

A consistent workout routine can improve the chances of survival for cancer patients while also increasing the quality of their lives.

According to the American Cancer Society, even a small amount of physical activity can be beneficial. Medical experts say exercise should be added to the treatment plan for all cancers.

Survival Rates

Research strongly suggests that cancer patients who regularly exercise have higher survival rates. Among breast cancer patients, 150 minutes of weekly exercise can lower the risk of recurrence or death by 40 percent. The same amount of physical activity can lower a prostate cancer patient’s risk of death by 30 percent.

All cancer patients can benefit from reduced risk for heart disease, osteoporosis, depression, and fatigue. Cancer treatment can weaken the body and physical activity keeps muscles working properly.

A workout routine does not have to be strenuous in order to be effective. Swimming, dancing, and gardening are all beneficial.

Exercise can ease the discomforts associated with long-term bed rest, for example. Lying in bed can cause skin sores, joint stiffness, constipation, depression, and weak muscles.

 Aerobic Workouts
Aerobic exercises like brisk walking, bike riding and running can help cancer patients maintain their strength and stay in a positive mental state. Aerobics increase heart rate, improve circulation, and reduce stress while speeding up metabolism, reducing body fat, and increasing lean muscle mass.

It is recommended that cancer patients do at least 30 minutes of aerobics daily. Patients who do not have the energy for a 30-minute workout can break up their routine into three, 10-minute segments. 

Strength Training

Strength training can lessen the negative effects of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy can cause women to rapidly lose bone density, for example. Weight lifting will help tone the body, increase bone density, and prevent muscle loss.

Balancing Exercises

A good sense of balance is very important for cancer patients as they face a higher risk of injury. Certain cancer drugs can impair a patient’s balance and chemotherapy will increase the likelihood of broken bones in a fall. Leg stands, alternating for one minute at a time on each leg, can improve balance.

David Haas is a cancer support group and awareness program advocate at the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance. He often blogs about creative fitness ideas for those dealing with cancer.

1 comment:

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