Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dear Seattle, Please Hold Your Favorite DJ Kevin Kniestedt Accountable

"Some of you know, but not many, that 9 weeks ago I started a health and fitness program with a company called Revelation Fitness based out of Austin, TX.

I write this note now, because I am 75% done, and have three weeks to go. I was comfortable with the amount of people that knew about me doing this, but now, with such little time left, I need to be out of that comfort zone. I'm not looking for accountability from others. Instead, I pressure. I want the possibility that if I see any of you in a bar or restaurant over the next three weeks, that you can silently (or out loud) judge me for being there. If I don't look in the best shape of my life when this is all over and you see me, I want you to tell me so.

But I don't want any of that to happen, which is why I am writing this now, which is motivation to make sure things work out as they should.

I dropped 25 pounds in the first seven weeks. I was this weight when I started college, and until now, never came back to it. The past couple weeks (and the next few) are dedicated to building muscle tone that I've never had in my life.

Revelation Fit is an amazing, life-changing company.

It is accountability, it is health, it is fitness, it is long term. You leave your former self behind.

Because these people know what they are doing, and are doing it because they are passionate, I too became passionate. There are no excuses, just a completely shaped mind and body.

You learn so much, not only about how to eat and how to work out, but also about your mind and your body. You are taught that you CAN do it, and that it IS possible.

Do I get tired in the gym? Yes. But then I lift some more, because no matter what results I've created so far, I've learned that I'm not there yet. Did I miss certain foods that were awful and toxic for my body? Honestly? For about a day. My body craved the shit I was used to, and now craves the good stuff that has helped me drop all this weight. Am I ever hungry? No. I eat 5 times a day.

Is it worth it? It is worth it from every angle you could possibly look at it. It was, and continues to be, the best thing I have ever done for my physical - and in so many ways - mental self.

Today I feel so much better about how I look and feel, but I keep going because "I'm not there yet". And to be honest, even when the program is over, the program wont be over. Revelation Fit has totally changed my mind and attitude towards health and fitness that I can't see myself going back to drive-thru burger places and sitting on my ass.

Revelation Fit is based in Austin, but offers online programs, and will be opening branches in Seattle and Washington D.C. shortly. I don't doubt that because of how successful they are, that they will have locations nationwide in no time.

If you are interested in knowing more, let me know. It changed my life. And again, if you see me slacking over the next three weeks, I expect to be judged."

-Kevin Kniestedt
Seattle, Washington

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