Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Jim & Mariah in the Austin Fit Body Issue


back cover

...and a special guest inside!

Revelation Fitness turns you into the guy first from the right. The guy to the far right fixes it.

Revelation Remake #111 Brings the Beautiful!

Revelation Remake #111. 127lbs to 107lbs. 22% to 9% bodyfat. 90 Days!

Revelation Remake #124 - Bring it On!

Revelation Remake #124 - Full-time business consultant, wife, and mother of 2! 22% to 9% bodyfat. 12 Weeks.

Revelation Remake #64 Knocks It Out of the Park - 14 Months from her First Transformation!

Dawn McDaniel

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

You Say That Like It's a Bad Thing

"I met with Mariah and she said I could lose 20 pounds in 12 weeks. I hadn't successfully lost 2 pounds recently, so the idea of losing 20 pounds and down to 14 % bodyfat seemed crazy. Still I so much wanted a change, and wanted to believe it could happen, that I decided to sign up despite my skepticism and the fact it ......was a huge investment." - C, 51. 153lbs to 122lbs. Size 10/12 to a 2/4. 90 Days.

Author's Note: Why do all our testimonials start out, 'I thought Mariah was crazy...'? You all are fired as clients.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Revelation Remake #111 Knocks it out of the Park

Reva. 127 to 107 lbs. 22% to 9% bodyfat. 90 Days.

Revelation Nation. Stories of Transformation. Episode #82: Chris Weaver

Revelation Nation. Stories of Transformation. Episode #82: Chris Weaver
Click here to watch it

Watch as Chris describes how he turned his young wife's death into something meaningful, hopeful, and positive. Chris went from 15% to 5% bodyfat in his 12 Week Revelation Fitness Challenge.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

RevFit Team Fun & Games

Austin, TX

Our hometown! (Although we train clients globally)

The team here at RevFit loves our hometown of Austin, TX.

the Jiminator on a hot Saturday morning in Austin, TX

If you ever come to town you might see us out and about at the Farmer's Market, or at the gym.

Mariah shows Jim that anything HE can do SHE can do better!

Mariah lives dowtown.

Jim lives in the West Hills.

Christina lives South.

Josh lives Central.

Keith lives North.

Michele lives East.

Our RevFit Family absolutely loves this community, and servicing people in our hometown

We are happy to bring the Austin, TX lifestyle to you - right where you're at - through our Online Training program.

Think of it as vistin an Austin Farmer's Market...

Only in Maine, Cairo, North Carolina, Tokyo, Dubai...

We invite you to one day become one of our Revelation Nation Stories...

(we'll even add subtitles)

We here at Revelation Fitness - and the RevFit family - warmly welcome you to the Revelation Nation...

Bringing the Austin Lifestyle... to your door (or internet browser)!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Revelation Remake #85 - 7 Months Later

Revelation Remake #85 - Michael. 196 lbs to 154 lbs. 28% to 8% bodyfat. 12 Weeks

7 months later... he's getting ready for his first fitness modelling competition, a new photo shoot, and did the Spartan 300 workout for the first time - in 14 minutes.

This is the real Michael. Love him as much as he loves protein brownies.

Jillian's Near Death Experience: Part II

Jillian goes from a size 10/12 to a size 6. Has a near-death experience that totally changes her world and her future. Accepts her changed fate. 2 weeks later gets back to her Challenge. Is now in a size 2 and ran the Keep Austin Weird 5 K today.

What's your excuse?

Revelation Nation. Stories of Transformation. Episode #82: Chris Weaver

This is Teaser to the full episode

Chris describes how he turned his young wife's death into something meaningful, hopeful, and positive.
Chris went from 15% to 5% bodyfat in his 12 Week Revelation Fitness Challenge.

To watch Episode #82 on the Revelation Fitness YouTube Channel,

Friday, June 25, 2010

Revelation Remake #124

Sarah. Full-time business consultant. Wife. Mother of 2.

22% to 9% bodyfat. 12 Weeks.

What's your excuse?

See more outtakes from today's 'After' shoot by clicking here!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Revelation Remake #127

This is a prelude.

To how Ellie changed her body...

Her energy...

Her mind.

Her attitude.

...And her life.

The real story coming soon...

For now check out Ellie's new attitude at

Revelation Fitness - the "LONG-TERM SOLUTION" for your waistline

Revelation Fitness
The "LONG-TERM SOLUTION" for your waistline
Austin Monthly Magazine
"Maintaining a beautiful appearance can be a daily routine - or a long-term investment.


LONG-TERM SOLUTION: On-Location Boot Camps from Revelation Fitness. Accelerate your weight loss alongside others who share your goals. Trainers work out groups throughout the city, also giving nutrition counseling and cardio "homework assignments." Commit to a three-month program and kiss that muffin top good-bye.
TIME: 12 weeks
MONEY: $300 start-up fee plus $80 to $90 per week"

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

4 Weeks and Down 2 Sizes!

Yesterday Veronica Marquez Chambers wore a new
size and I got this text - "Hey just a quick thx for everything. I can
officially wear 2 sizes smaller now and that is just plain f-ing

Get it girl!!

Jillian's Near-Death Experience

Today I got a text from one of our clients who recently had a near-death experience.

She started in a Size 10/12 about 2 months ago.

A month ago she was in a size 6 when she had a near-death experience. In the hospital wondering if she would make it out alive, she recommitted to her Challenge.

2 Weeks ago she got back on it. This morning I got a text from her.

"Just wanted to share with you that I bought a size 2 jean today and they fit perfectly. Thank you!! I never thought it was possible after my [near-death experience] but it was :)" - Jillian

So what's your excuse?

Revelation Remake #68 - 14 Months Later

Revelation Remake #68 Dawn McDaniel takes it to a whole new level. Check it out. See outtakes from today's shoot by clicking here. See Dawn's original story and before pictures by clicking here.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Burning Bush

"Two weeks ago, we moved to Austin. And I was moved by the number of farmer's markets, the social media-savvy population and of course, the city's collective level of fitness. Austin, not New York City, should be the at the center of the media's focus on this alternative lifestyle. The level of fitness involvement that people pursue here (grass-fed meat, organic fruits and veggies, sunlight and functional fitness) are sustainable over a lifetime and would be a great example to the rest of our inspiration-starved country." - Web & Lindsey Smith via

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The New Guy

Are you ready to stare yourself down in the mirror?

"The New Guy"

20% to 8% bodyfat. 10 Weeks

"I am big on feedback. I rarely give it when it’s good and generally start with ‘I need to give you a little feedback’. So here goes…..

I need to give you a little feedback Mariah,

Never.. in my life.. have I felt like I do today.

As I near the end of this 12 week Revelationasation I have learned a lot of things. So, here is my list….

1. I can do anything – sometimes it hurts – but I can do it.
2. Food is my friend not my foe
3. Lift! - The weights I purchased for my home gym are going on craigslist. They aren’t heavy enough.
4. Sweat = reps = pecs
5. I like to run
6. I can do pushups with my daughter on my back
7. My body is me… and I like me now..
8. Don’t trust sweet and innocent – appearance means nothing when you train.

I am a little teary eyed writing you this, but FUCK!!! You guys…. Josh, Christina, you….. have changed my life. I see it in the mirror, I feel it when I take my little girl to the park and jump on shit like a little kid. I like me. And it’s only been 10 weeks. I have found the me I want to be.

God – We have a love / hate relationship. I love the results. I love to see your trainers leave.. I hate to see it end.

Big hearts your way chic. You delivered.

~b. - the new guy."

For more on "The New Guy" visit

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Your Vision. Realized.

Mariah & Jim met with photographer Brian Fitzsimmons this past week as part of our new "Your Vision. Realized." campaign.

Click here to see the gallery!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Revelation Fitness Trains Monica Brant, the most important name in women's fitness, in her groundbreaking foray into Crossfit. Video features Revelation Fitness Co Owners Mariah MacDonald and Jim Nettles.

Watch it on YouTube

We're breaking down the barriers y'all...

A Revelation Fitness Production...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Revelation Remake #76 - BELIEVE!

Meet Revelation Remake #76!
37% to 12% bodyfat (so far...)
189 to 125 lbs (so far...)
Photo Shoot July 5th!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Free Workout 6/05/10 - "Arnie" - in Honor of Arne Backstrom

Revelation Fitness will be hosting a Free Workout
Sunday, June 5, 11 a.m. at Stephen F Austin High School Track
Meet by the Pullup Bars

Arne Backstrom, 1980 - 2010

We will be doing "Arnie" - the Crossfit Hero Workout


With a single 2 pood kettlebell*:
21 Turkish get-ups, Right arm
50 Swings
21 Overhead squats, Left arm
50 Swings
21 Overhead squats, Right arm
50 Swings
21 Turkish get-ups, Left arm

*women will use 1.5 pood. All weights are scalable for all individuals including beginners

According to the Associated Press, Arne's dad Steve Backstrom told King TV in Seatle that he's "naturally sad," but added his son "had 29 pretty awesome years and a very quick ending."

A friend quoted in the AP article made a great point: "We all thought he was immortal." Yep. That we did, and that he was. An old soul - too good to die so young but probably way too good to be trapped inside one body for too long.

As the friend went on to say: "He's just the smartest, athletic, humble, stoic person. He was just a great example for everyone."

Coach Mariah prepared for the workout on Saturday at Westlake Crossfit.

Arne Backstrom and The Freeskiing World Tour from UnofficialSquaw on Vimeo.

Fighting for Those Who Can't: A Bittersweet Friday Post

Proud that Chris Weaver is fighting this fight on behalf of those who wouldn't be able to in his position for financial or other considerations. A very appropriate way to honor Maggie's memory:

Tuesday, June 1, 2010